Introduce Bootstrap 4

Adham Kurniawan
1 min readSep 20, 2017


Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap was released their new version. In bootstrap 4 have many new features in here and a lot changed. First I will explain what is bootstrap. Bootstrap is css framework developed by twitter developer. This project become open source and free to use. A lot people using this css framework because bootstrap have powerful.

I was worked with bootstrap for a year. Every time I work, I will use bootstrap. It’s make me easy to get fast prototyping. Maybe you wondering “is out there don’t have any other framework css?”. Of course out there have so many framework css to help us building good prototype. So far in my experience I’ve used materialize css beside bootstrap. Materialize take concept from material design which have clean, smooth, bold, and easy to use for development. Google also adapted this concept, you check Google Material in here.

Okay, so in the next write we will getting started how to use bootstrap. I will make it part by part so we can learn it together.

Credit: Yonji San



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